September 14-15, 2016. Hosted by AICIA, Seville.
AICIA and YEAR arrange a joint international workshop focusing on the Port of the Future
Ports are a major example of hubs’ need for modernisation. Ports are essential for the European economy as a global player and for the internal market. They are a main catalyst for regional development and their optimisation and inclusion in the territory is fundamental to ensure that efficient operations will not affect negatively the surrounding areas. Specific issues (like dredging, emission reductions, and energy transition, incl. electrification, smart grids, and the use of renewables management and emissions) are combined with other challenges common to all multi-modal terminals.
The workshop will gather international young and senior researchers, along with experts from the industry. The goal is to discuss today’s R&D challenges in the development or renovation of large harbours.
For more info, please contact your local YEAR representative