
In 2023, YEAR successfully hosted nine high-quality events, including an annual conference in Cork, Ireland, and a face-to-face training in Brussels, Belgium. The organisation was also more active in consulting, with its presence at three events, including the 6th Industrial Forum Plenary Meeting organised by the European Commission. For 2024, YEAR aims to continue focusing on increasing its impact on member institutes as well as the community of young researchers in Europe.

The events of 2023 have been captured in our annual report, to be downloaded below.


With the end of the COVID crisis, the YEAR network could finally perform its main goal again: bringing early-career researchers together. For the first time in three years, we were able to organise our conference in September. The possibility of organising face-to-face events again, in combination with the webinar and online training programme that we developed in the previous COVID years, resulted in our most diverse set of events since the foundation of our network.

We captured the events of 2022 in our annual report, to be downloaded below.


How do you build young researcher networks? This document outlines the process to follow in creating communities for young researchers. On both national and international scale, becoming more connected is a pivotal element to enhancing creativity and innovation. We create opportunities for learning together and pave the way to striving for a better future.

Written by Colm McCaffrey (Former President of YEAR) and Nicolaas van Strien (Former Chairman of VTT Young Professionals, Board Member of YEAR)


The year 2021 focused on persisting an online presence for the Young European Associated Researchers (YEAR) network. Webinars and trainings have been held online and kept the existence and purpose of YEAR clear. Hopes were up for an in-person meeting over summer, or early autumn, but unfortunately this was not yet possible.

We captured the events of 2021 in our annual report, to be downloaded below.


The year 2020 was turbulent for all, and no less for the Young European Associated Researchers (YEAR) network. After a live board meeting in Brussels, little before countries were locked down, we were forced to move online. On the upside, this has allowed us to increase the total number of events we organize and hence increase our reach.

We captured this unconventional year in our annual report, to be downloaded below.


We just finished our webinar about the actions that European RTOs are taking against COVID 19. With 4 interesting speakers from 4 different RTOs and about 50 participants this second webinar from 2020 was another great success!

We got insight into vary different topics that are being addressed by these RTOs. Want to know more about what European RTOs are doing against COVID 19? Check out this impressive list of projects against COVID 19 that are being done by EARTO members.


Last year was an eventful year for the Young European Associated Researchers network. We visited the EARTO annual conference, held some great events in various countries, highlight being our own Annual Conference, and welcomed the Irish Tyndall National Institute as a our youngest member institute.

We captured this wonderful year in detail in our annual report. Enjoy the read!


Since the COVID-19 pandemic striked Europe, most of the researchers of our members institutes are working from home. We understand that this can be challenging at times. That’s why we bundled the tips and tricks given at our member institutes (AICIA, AIT, RISE, SINTEF, TNO, Tyndall, VITO, VTT) in this article.

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The Young Energy Researchers Conference takes place on 27 – 28 February 2019 in Wels/Austria and is organised by the OÖ Energiesparverband, the energy agency of Upper Austria.

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